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Chrytatywna Choinka




Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami w Polsce Oddział w Suwałkach

Welcome to the website of Lizzy. I came to a cat house from a village, where for some time I lived in the yard with other cats, fed with leftovers by a man with a serious alcohol problem. I came with my favorite feline companion, but also with stowaways, i.e. earworm... I also had to have my teeth removed because they were very bad. No wonder, since I spent most of my life in poor conditions. I'm looking for a quiet home, I don't like living in a cattery, it's a bit too crowded, which stresses me out and I have intestinal problems. Sometimes I refuse to eat at all, I'm at the age where I have the right to have my moods. What I like most about my meals is sauce. Why don't you buy me dinner?

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